„Active in Europe – support for employment and long-term unemployed young people on the European labour market”
The partnership created for the project „Active in Europe – support for employment and long-term unemployed young people on the European labour market “- brings together the management and training experience of the Sigma Development Center association with the expertise in the labour market of the Constanta County Labour Force Occupation Agency (AJOFM) and the on in counselling of PROCIVITAS Psychological Association. This partnership was the logistical support to 200 people in the target group, who benefited of active employment measures provided by the project.
The arguments that led to the funding application:
The target group was formed from 200 people. The eligible people for this project must have been part of the following categories:
The project lasted for 2 years, between 1st November 2010 and 31st October 2012.
The general objective of the project was to facilitate the integration of young unemployed people, people who were unemployed for more than 2 years and people in search of employment on the European labour market, by offering a complex package of support services, in order to create the necessary competencies for an active life on labour market.
The financing of this project was approved from European funds, from the Operational – Sectorial Program – Development of Human Resources 2007-2013 (POS DRU), “Invest in people!”, Axis 5 – promoting active employment measures, major intervention field 5.1, developing and implementing active employment measures.
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