POSDRU DMI 5.1 – POSDRU 100/5.1/G/129266 „STIL ACTIV – Solutii Simple pentru integarea pe piata muncii a somerilor, somerilor de lunga durata si persoanelor in cautarea unui loc de munca din judetul Constanta” , implementat ca solicitant  in perioada 14 martie 2014 – 13 septembrie 2015 , cu o valoare de 2.079.640,55 lei


The positive effect generated by this project from Constanta county communities in the long run refers to:

  • Stimulation of the investments in the human funds by developing personal expertise as well as professional competence, both playing an important role for an active life;
  • Boost in the importance of adaptability of the labor force in regard to the economic growth as well as the employment market at a both national and European level;
  • Boost in the active intervention in order to facilitate employment for vulnerable categories found on the labor market (young unemployed people, people that have been unemployed for long periods of time or women) by detecting psychological aspects of the problems of unemployment as well as offering an example of a previous project as a model of success;
  • Advancement in the geographical mobility and the stimulation of employment in an European context.


  • 255 people educated in 9 different professional training programs;
  • 9 approved professional training programs
  • 289 people informed and counseled regarding profession and career
  • 60 people hired on the labor market after the finalization of training.


The committed amount was 349.655,20 lei.

“The biggest secret of life is that there is actually no secret. Whatever you aim to do can be achieved if you are willing to work towards doing so.”


The target group is made up of 240 persons.
People that are eligible to take part in this project must be found within the following eligibility categories:

  • Category 1. Unemployed people –(According to Law nr. 76/2002 regarding the insurance system for unemployment and stimulation of occupying the labor force alongside further modifications): The person that fulfills the following conditions: Is actively searching for a job at the age of minimum 16 years old until fulfilling the necessary conditions for retirement;
    The person’s health status and physical capacities make him/her able to practice a potential job; Does not have a job, does not have any income, or does have income from authorized activities that are lower than the reference social indicator for unemployment or stimulation of occupying the labor force; Is willing to start working as soon as a vacant job is available;
  • Category 2. People that are actively searching for a job – person that is taking the necessary steps in order to find a workplace, by using personal methods or by signing up at the agency that attends to occupying the labor force, correspondent to his/her residence or, by case, to other authorized providers that attend to occupation of the labor force.
    In this project, people that are currently taking part in education establishments: graders, students, etc) are not eligible to take part in this project.
    People that receive any type of allowance from the state, save for the unemployment one, are also not eligible to take part in this project.


The project lasted for 18 months, starting from 12 march 2014 to 12 september 2015.


The general objective of this project that will last to up to 18 months is to facilitate the integration of 270 unemployed people in the European labor market by offering a complex bundle of services capable of enhancing or developing both personal and professional capabilities that are necessary for an active participation in the labor market. On a medium to long term, this project has as its objective the facilitation of integration or reintegration of 130 unemployed people, 72 people that have been unemployed for extended periods of time and 68 people that are actively searching for a workplace on the labor market. Another objective of this project is to help these people adapt to the requests that are made by the modern labor market as well as enhance their motivation towards seeking and maintaining a workplace.


  • Informing and advising 270 people from Constanta County regarding to attracting and maintaining as many people from the target group as possible, in the labor market during the time period of 18 months in which this project is taking place;
  • Instructing 246 people that benefit from this project: unemployed people, people that have been unemployed for extended periods of time(47) as well as people from the target group that that are actively searching for a job by taking part in 9 programs dedicated to professional training ( 4 initiation programs, 3 qualification programs and 2 programs dedicated to perfecting these qualifications) towards enhancing the necessary skills for occupying the labor force;
  • Developing the skills of 270 persons in order to facilitate their integration in the labor force;
  • Elevate the entrepreneurial spirit of 134 members of the target group by delivering an initiation professional training program based on entrepreneurial skills that works towards the improvement of the occupation capacity through means of self-hiring of the unemployed people. As a result of this objective, 10 people that benefit from this project will start an independent activity;
  • Constant mediating of 270 persons from the target group towards their integration in the labor market. As a follow-up to this process, 35 people that benefit from this project will have found a workplace after 6 months from the finalization of the integration programs in which they participated.


Contract POSDRU/128/5.1/G/129266: „STIL ACTIV – Soluții Simple pentru Integarea pe piața muncii a șomerilor, șomerilor de lungă durată și persoanelor în căutarea unui loc de muncă din județul Constanța”
Proiect cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 “Investește în oameni!”
Axa prioritară 5 „Promovarea măsurilor active de ocupare”, Domeniul major de intervenţie 5.1 „Dezvoltarea şi implementarea măsurilor active de ocupare”

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