The project “YOUTH WITHOUT LABELS– project on promoting diversity in the Romanian Schools” is financed by the EEA grants 2009 – 2014, through the NGO Fund in Romania.
For official information on the EEA and Norway grants visit and


  • 12 trained teachers, with advanced skills in English, selected from high schools
  • 20 teachers participating in a workshop regarding new techniques and educational practices organized by the partner organization InterCultural Iceland.
  • 300 students from all the four high schools participated in the activities organised within the project
  • 2500 people have been informed about violence and hate speech.

„Hate speech, both online and offline, is not made up only from simple words, it is a bridge towards discrimination and violence” – Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of The Council of Europe


The target group is represented by high school students involved and/or affected by conflict, discrimination and physical or verbal violence in the educational institutions and their communities.

The project beneficiaries fall into two categories:

  • Direct beneficiaries: teenagers aged between 15 and 18 from Constanta, both urban and rural areas ,exposed to conflict, violence and discrimination in educational institutions (75 students from each of the 4 participating schools), youth from the Roma ethnic group (at least 10% of participants), teachers and volunteers participated in the preparation supported by our international partner;
  • The indirect category of beneficiaries: families of the participants, their social circle and the school community to which these tudents belong (between 200 and 500 young people in rural areas in urban areas).


The project was implemented as an applicant in the period August 1, 2014 – October 30, 2015 with a value of 130.000 EUR.


The overall objective is to combat hate speech and the increased rate of physical violence present in Constanta high schools by increasing tolerance and promoting acceptance among young students, creating an educational bridge between the governmental sector and non-governmental local environment. This was achieved by providing an integrated program type training to be attended by 300 children from four schools in Constanta both rural and urban, along with volunteers from four local ONGs.

On long-term the project had two directions:

  • (1) the integration of such a program in the curricula of secondary schools. Also, teachers were to develop interest and knowledge to support such trainings. Moreover, the interest of young people to engage in volunteering was also an important direction.
  • (2) increase the involvement of NGOs in Constanta in programs and initiatives that address human rights and anti-discrimination.

Also, a total of 20 teachers of those schools had undergone a training under the direction of partner from Iceland, after which they achieved know-how that enabled them to use teaching techniques that develop cooperation skills and encourage tolerance in the students.


  • Education for tolerance, human rights and interculturalism provided for 300 high school students from urban and rural county of Constanta, during 18 months of the project.
  • Developing knowledge about intercultural education during a five days program of training using international know-how of 20 teachers from four schools from Constanta, a workshop in which they gain new techniques and educational practices designed to develop skills of cooperation and encouraging tolerance among the students.
  • The development of intercultural competences, non-aggressive and tolerant behaviour, promoting active citizenship and democratic values, understanding and encouraging respect for human rights to a number of 350 beneficiaries made up of 20 teachers, 300 high school students, 25 volunteers, 4 leaders from non –governmental organisations.
  • Promoting and raising awareness on the importance of acceptance and tolerance in society by promoting a study conducted during the project and organising two public debates.
  • The involvement of four local non-governmental organisations in the promotion of tolerance and acceptance. Their role was to organize with young people enrolled in the program two campaigns in order to increse the level of information and awareness on the problem of violence among young people and its causes.


The project was financed by the EEA grants 2009 – 2014, through the NGO Fund in Romania.


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